5 Examples Of Artificial Intelligence In Business

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program to perform tasks that normally require human thought and effort. AI has been around for decades, but it's only recently that it has become a mainstream topic in business. 

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Now, many businesses are beginning to adopt AI technologies that will help them automate and improve their operations. 



AI can also be used to automate tasks that are repetitive and can be done by a computer. For example, there are many open-source software packages available for text analysis and natural language processing (NLP), which allows computers to recognize patterns in text. These programs enable users to write simple queries such as “give me all instances where X occurs within this document” or “extract all URLs from this document” 

Natural language processing

Natural language processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is the process of understanding language as it is spoken or written. This can be done through a number of different methods, including:

• Speech recognition – NLP technology allows computers to understand speech and respond accordingly

• Search engine optimization – using natural language processing, web developers are able to improve their websites' rankings in search engines by automatically generating content based on user queries (e.g., "how do I make a website like LinkedIn?")

• Voice recognition – this technology allows people with disabilities—like autism—to use computers via voice commands instead of having them type everything out on keyboards 

Digital assistants (chatbots)

Digital assistants (chatbots)

Chatbots are computer programs that use artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation. They can be used in all kinds of business situations, from customer service to employee training.

Chatbot examples:

• Sales agents can use chatbots to interact with customers over the phone or through text messages. The agent might ask questions about what type of car someone is interested in, then give them information on how much it would cost and what options they have available (e-mail address).

• An employee in a call center could use a chatbot designed for customer service by having it answer questions about how long it will take someone to get their order ready if they place an order online today at 9am Pacific Standard Time (PST). 

Personalized customer experiences

Personalized customer experiences

Personalization, which is the process of adapting a product or service to suit individual needs and preferences, can be achieved through AI. For example, a company might use data about your location and past purchases to provide you with information about local stores that are open on Sunday morning and even make recommendations based on what items you already like. This kind of personalized interaction helps create strong relationships with customers while providing them with an exceptional overall experience. 

AI offers profound implications for the future of business operations.

The Future of Business

AI is a technology that will change the way we do business. It’s already beginning to do so in many industries, from healthcare to manufacturing and transportation. The impact of AI on these fields is profound, but it also has implications for our personal lives as well as our work lives.

AI is a technology that will change the way we live: We can expect machines capable of understanding human speech and emotions by 2020—and soon after that they'll be able to perform tasks like cooking or cleaning while they're learning your preferences along the way!

It’s also likely that some form of artificial intelligence will eventually replace human workers altogether (though not necessarily in every industry). In fact, McKinsey estimates there could be up t0 3 million automated workers worldwide by 2030—including retail clerks at Wal-Mart Stores Inc., lawyers at Apple Inc., and even doctors working within hospitals' radiology units


It’s no wonder that AI is so pervasive today. It offers us the power to make smarter decisions and significantly improve our lives. We are living in exciting times, but we must remember that as with any new technology, there are always going to be some risks associated with AI. Companies need people who understand how these technologies work and can help steer them towards success in a world filled with potential hazards.


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